Table of Contents

The LightDock Server: Artificial Intelligence-powered modeling of macromolecular interactions

KVL Staff on Project

Didier Barradas Bautista
Building 1, Level 0, Office 0125


The KVL is happy to announce the project's conclusion, resulting in a paper about Artificial intelligence techniques applied to computational structural biology.

Work Summary

Computational docking is an instrumental method of the structural biology toolbox. Specifically, integrative modeling software, such as LightDock, arises as complementary and synergetic methods to experimental structural biology techniques. Ubiquity and accessibility are fundamental features to ease of use and improve user experience. With this goal in mind, we have developed the LightDock Server, a web server for the integrative modeling of macromolecular interactions, along with several dedicated and powerful usage modes. The server builds upon the LightDock macromolecular docking framework, which has proved useful for modeling medium-to-high flexible complexes, antibody-antigen interactions, or membrane-associated protein assemblies. We believe that this free-to-use resource will be a valuable addition to the structural biology community and can be accessed online at:

The paper is available for download from: here


This work offers a public tool for research on protein-protein interactions that Alphafold can not predict. This server uses state-of-the-art AI and ML in the back-end

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